About the Internship
Develop and provide educational imagery for companies Many companies will lose a lot of knowledge in the coming years due to the aging population as valuable knowledge holders have documented their knowledge and experience poorly or not well or completely. Companies lack time, knowledge and expertise to properly record the information (multilingual) and make it accessible to new (inter)national employees who sometimes speak a different language. The main objective of the internship focuses on devising and developing an educational training program that will be available online for new employees. Clear work instructions will be provided with photos and/or videos and texts in multiple languages. Through Web portals, these will be made accessible so that new employees can get to work faster and more effectively. In addition, existing employees are regularly trained on development points or a new internal job.
Research Issue
The intern investigates the possibilities of using educational work instructions to provide visual material with short instructional texts. The research is followed by the development of a plan of approach in which educational work instructions can be made accessible in a structured way via an online media channel. After approval of the plan of approach, some work instructions will be produced from a scalable unified approach based on a script. Aragon Search will supervise the intern from an internship assignment at one of its employers that fits both the training and the employer.
The approach
Together with the client, the intern will be guided by Aragon in defining the research question, setting up the training program and producing the work instructions. At the end of the internship you will work with Aragon to develop a multi branding campaign roadmap for the internal organization to promote the work instructions together with the HR department.
What else?
- Internship Fee
- Lots of room for your own ideas and great colleagues from whom you can learn a lot
- You love making videos and podcasts
- You enjoy working in a diverse team but are also fine working independently
- You love facts and trivia
- You are pursuing an education at the college level
- You are available full time
- Traveling to Hilversum is not a problem for you, with some working from home possible.
- You are available for at least 4 months. Before joining us for an interview, you will have listened to the latest podcasts and gotten a good idea about the Child at the Doctor platform.